Gross Regional Domestic Product of Bener Meriah Regency by Industrial Origin 2014-2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bener Meriah Regency

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Gross Regional Domestic Product of Bener Meriah Regency by Industrial Origin 2014-2018

Catalog Number : 9302021.1117
Publication Number : 11170.1902
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : August 16, 2019
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 13.32 MB


Publication Gross Regional Domestic Product of Bener Meriah Regency in 2014-2018 is a continuation of the previous years publication compiled by BPS-Statistics Bener Meriah Regency. This publication presents a descriptive review of economic developments in Bener Meriah over the past 5 years. This book also displays GRDP tables and charts for 2014 - 2018 based on current prices and 2010 constant prices in the form of nominal values ​​and percentages. Furthermore, please note that the data in this publication has been revised from the previous year's publication. 2016 has become a fixed number, while 2017 is a temporary number. The 2018 figure is still very temporary and will be refined in the following year's publication.

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